For the last few years, I've done several solitary rituals at home on New Year's Eve - rituals to get rid of the old and bring in the new.
This year was different - I felt that I needed to get back to the basics. To keep it simple. And so I did.
I began by simply cleaning the house. I dusted, vacuumed and shampooed the carpets. I put away all the Christmas decorations. I washed my dirty laundry. I swept and mopped and wiped things down. By about 11 p.m., I was done.
I had some champagne, and wondered if I should do something more with my extra time - perhaps I should do a ritual after all? The answer was no - my intuition told me I was done for the night.
When I got up in the morning, I saged the house, then used a besom to sweep out any remaining karmic residue. After that, I opened up the windows and let 2012 into the house.
Then I sat down, and sent thank you cards to those who had been special to me in 2011, wishing them happy new year. I celebrated with more champagne - and again wondered if I should do something else. A little candle magic perhaps? A wish list? Resolution setting?
Again the answer was no. "Keep it simple" was the unspoken response - and so I did.
Two days later, I feel light. Complete. The way I rung in 2012 was the right way for me to do it. But why no magic?
Ahhh... that's my mistake: thinking that a spiritual cleaning isn't magic. Because it is. Sometimes as witches we forget the simple things - the basics.
You see, magic needn't be complicated to work. We don't always have to call in the Gods and Goddesses, light the candles, ward the area, and use a bunch of tools.
Magic works best when one listens to the Universe - ask what needs to be done, and listen to the response. This year I did - and was surprised with the response. I heeded it anyway - and already see some of the results.
Happy casting in 2012!
Animal Tarot Time: STRENGTH
3 months ago
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