Saturday, August 23, 2008

Left Out

Right now, our Thursday night class has one instructor and seven classmates. The instructor and two of our classmates are in a coven together. They often talk about some of the things they've done together, never seeming to be aware that the rest of us might feel left out.

At this week's class, J stated that five of us met to celebrate the full moon. One classmate was visibly upset, and stated she felt left out. JurNee said it wasn't meant to be exclusionary; that they were part of a coven and we fully expected that as such, they would have celebrated the full moon together. It turns out (supposedly) that they haven't met in ages.

After class, a few of us discussed whether or not we should invite them to the next ritual. J immediately said that he didn't think so; that he really liked our energy as a whole, and felt that the new mix would change that. Unfortunately, I wasn't there to put in my two cents worth of drivel, however it does appear that we will continue to meet as five for now, as it's not our fault that their coven isn't meeting regularly.

Additionally, our instructor stated at the onset that one of the main functions of class was to practice magic with others, in hopes that we would form our own covens. So, if that was one of the main objectives, then why are they miffed that they weren't included in our works? After all, we've never been invited to be part of theirs. We're supposed to be okay with that... and I think we are. Funny, though, how us "lesser" witches are then supposed to be sure to include everyone in class in our own rituals.

It's weird how high school dynamics invade our life, even at this stage in our walk.

Full Moon

On Saturday, five of us from the journey-level Risting class met to celebrate the full moon. This was our first time meeting together to create magic together.

We met at C & J's home in Northwest Reno. It was such a lovely in color, homey and cozy inside. I felt instantly at home (after being served a glass of wine!), and settled in for some talk before K arrived.

We are all so diverse, and yet we share a strong, common ground. With the exception of K, young and vibrant, we all came to this path later in life. Some of us are still hiding it from our families. Some of us don't. And some of us just share what is relevant, and keep the rest for ourselves.

When darkness came, we went outside to C & J's magical garden. Thankfully, C had written out a ritual for us to perform together. We took bits from class (passing fire, water and salt) and incorporated bits from books in order to call in the directions, and to perform a few other elements we hadn't learned in class.

When the circle was cast and the wards put up, the ritual began. It was so nice and peaceful. The best part was when J lead us on a meditative journey. After our journeys, we shared our tales and then partook of cakes and ale (Squaw bread and wine) before the ants decided to dine on our feet.

We left shortly after closing the circle, as C & J normally hit the sheets at 9 p.m. Yet, even though I left their place on Saturday, I felt them with me all week long, as well as the magic of the ceremony.

We have decided to celebrate together more often, and so next on our schedule is Mabon. This time JurNee and myself will be putting the ritual together. The prospect of doing so is both scary and exciting...I'm a wallflower, so helping to direct the next ritual will force me onto the dance floor. Hopefully I won't pull an Elaine Bennis while I'm out there.